Oct. 27, 1967


From: Ron Jacobs

As those of you who were here two years ago remember the right people were convinced that KHJ could go rock and quite possibly rise from its horrible rating position in the market and we did a complete number to get it going. From May of 1965 (when KHJ had a 2.2 in the morning to KRLA's 21.8) a hell of lot of sweat and effort has been put into this thing by you...and me...and Drake...and everyone connected with KHJ-AM. Some of those people are still here (like you and me) and others ain't. But it is up to us to sustain the momentum we've got going for us...and above all not to get fat, happy and complacent. Whether you've heard it so often you don't get this message, or if you don't think it applies, there is much truth to the statement: OVERCONFIDENCE KILLS!

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